Motion: Getting rid of plastic pollution in our oceans is just a dream
The Heath NS Proposing Vs Ballyadams NS Opposing
Location: Laois Education Support Centre on the 27th February @ 11am
Congratulations on our Debating Team on getting through the final of the Concern Primary Debating League for Laois area, such a great achievement. The details for the final are as follows:
Motion: Getting rid of plastic pollution in our oceans is just a dream The Heath NS Proposing Vs Ballyadams NS Opposing Location: Laois Education Support Centre on the 27th February @ 11am Our 6th and 5th class teams are competing in their annual Volleyball Blitz in Portlaoise College on Monday 28th February. Thanks to Mr Brennan and Mr Maher for their coaching of the teams. best of luck to everyone
The bus will leave the school at 12.45pm and return at 1.45pm. Best of luck to all the boys and girls in 6th class who are making their confirmation this Friday. We hope the pupils and their families have a lovely day
1st Class are visiting an Early Years Music show coming to the Dunamaise Theatre on Tuesday 20 February featuring some musicians we have worked with in the past
The performances is at 12pm and last approx. 40mins. The cost is €10 per child 6th Class will visit Portlaoise Library to see 2 Exhibitions of Photography Kevin Byrne. (One in colour, one in black and white) on Monday 12th February
Trying to grow childrens' interest in photography as a medium. Children will ( later in the year) be receiving cameras to take photos of their immediate environment behind them as a historical document in the school. Crazy Hair Day takes place on Friday 9th Feb to finish our Friendship week. Any donations will go towards Special Olympics
Next week (Tuesday 6th - Friday 9th ) is Friendship February. We are raising awareness around kindness and anti-bullying. Each staff member and pupil has a secret person for the week, to do Random Acts of Kindness for. Each class is completing lessons on friendship. There are art activities organised with lots of prizes organised. We have kindness homework passes, kindness certificates and vouchers for pupils displaying kindness. We are so proud of all our staff and pupils.
Chess Practice takes place every Tuesday for 3rd and 4th @11am and 5th and 6th Class @ 1pm
A Chess competition takes place against The Rock National School on Friday 9th February Our traditional school class draughts leagues commence in January and will be played off between now and Easter
After Christmas Third and Fourth Class will have dancing classes every Monday from 1.30-2.30pm for 5 weeks
First and Second Class will have dancing classes every Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm for 5 weeks |
AuthorAll news by Scoil an Fhraoich Mhóir news team. Categories |