We will give out bags before the collection to all families
Clothing Collection will take place from Monday 25th to Thursday 29th 2024. Please drop your bags of clothing into the school reception area between these dates
We will give out bags before the collection to all families Round 2 Championship Shield Heath Girls Vs10th September Heath Boys A/B Vs The Rock @1pm Heath GAA
11th September The Rath Vs Heath Girls A/B @12.30pm RatH 17th September Rath Vs Heath A/ B Boys @ 12.30pm Rath 20th September The Rock Vs Heath Girls A/B 24th September Emo Vs Heath Boys A @1pm. Heath Girls B/ Heath Boys B Vs Castletown @12.30pm Heath GAA 1st October Heath Boys A Vs Clonaghadoo. Heath Boys B Vs Killeen @12.30pm Heath GAA 3rd October. Emo Vs Girls A @1pm. Emo Timahoe Vs Girls B@1pm. Timahoe 9th October Ballyfin vs Boys A/ Girls A@12pm. Ballyfin. Boys/Girls B V Abbeyleix @12.30 Heath GAA 10th October. Heath Girls A/B Vs Gaelscoil. Heath [email protected]. Timahoe Vs Boys B @1pm Timahoe 8th November Boys A/Boys B Vs Mountmellick @11am 11th November Ratheniska Vs Girls A/Boys B @12.30pm in Ratheniska Finals Wednesday 27th November in O Moore Park Round 6 Championship Heath Girls B Vs Holy Family @11am Round 2 Shield Heath Girls A Vs Ballyadams@12pm Finals Thursday 28th November in O Moore Park Round 2 Championship Heath Boys A Vs Durrow @1pm Round 6 Boys. Shield Heath Boys B Vs St Portarlington @2pm Debating takes place on Thursday 21st November @10am
Motion: Every Person in Ireland should be given a bike Holy Family Senior School Proposing The Heath National School Opposing Congratulations on our Debating Team winning this morning Our debating team is Tom Sheeran, Anna Cushen, Lucy Ryan, Fia Conroy, Katie Fennelly and Juliet McHenry The month of November is reading month. The school encourages children and parents to get reading for the month. Activities in the school will include book swaps, daily challenges, quizzes and a book fair (Monday 18th-Wednesday 20th) and paired reading. With regard to the paired reading in the infants classes, junior and senior infant parents are invited to come in on the four Thursdays in November from 9.00-9.20 to read with their child. Paired Reading takes place each Friday between the classes from 10.30am-10.50am 5th and Juniors 6th and 1st 3rd and Seniors 4th and 2nd
Our junior infant enrolment for September 2025 will take place earlier this year at the request of the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin and The Department of Education. The Heath National School will accept applications for Junior Infants from Friday 25th October to Friday 15th November 2024. Parents/guardians will be able to download application forms from our school website or collect a form from the school office from Friday 25th October. All applications must be returned by the closing date of Friday 15th November. All applications must be accompanied by a child's birth cert and a current utility bill
Christmas Shoebox Appeal is taking place again this year. This is a Christmas shoebox with gifts built by you and sent by Team Hope. Leaflets have been sent home with your children on what you need to do if you wish to participate. The last date for dropping Christmas Shoeboxes is Friday 8th November
AuthorAll news by Scoil an Fhraoich Mhóir news team. Categories |