Iga Zadorozny, Junior Infants
Ramzi Kilscs Usman, Senior Infants
Katie Curran, 1st Class
Inshirah Kasif, 2nd Class
Zoe Bowe, 3rd Class
Tara O' Regan 4th Class
Layla O Connor 5th Class
Rory Fahy 6th Class
Some of our Parents Council members were very busy preparing 8 Christmas hampers for the school draw. Each child will receive a ticket at no charge. Winners of our Hampers are
Iga Zadorozny, Junior Infants Ramzi Kilscs Usman, Senior Infants Katie Curran, 1st Class Inshirah Kasif, 2nd Class Zoe Bowe, 3rd Class Tara O' Regan 4th Class Layla O Connor 5th Class Rory Fahy 6th Class 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Classes are busy preparing for their Christmas performance, featuring a lovely selection of songs from around the world, along with some festive favourites. Weekly singing sessions continue with Nuala Kelly, Music Generation Laois, and the sound coming from the classrooms ensures a great evenings entertainment.
Join us on Tuesday 19th December @7.00pm in The Church of the Assumption, The Heath Christmas Plays take place on Tuesday 19th January in Heath School
Junior Infants@10am Senior [email protected] Parents Council are hosting a Tractor Run on Sunday December 17th. We are so excited about this event and we hope everyone has their lights ready and are all set to help us light up our community for Christmas. Again this year, we will have a raffle on the day and we are very grateful to the brilliant companies who have been very kind to donate the below prizes
Parents Council are looking for donations of baked goods for the tractor run to be dropped into the Heath Hall from 3pm on 17th December. We really appreciate the support from these business so please keep them on mind for anything you may need so we can show our support back. Thank you again to everyone for your support on our second tractor run for our school. We are very excited about it and hope everyone enjoys it. ![]()
The Heath National School 3rd and 4th Class in association with Music Generation Laois will sing at the Portlaoise Christmas Market at the Civic Plaza, County Hall, on Friday 15 December at 12.45-1.30pm.
Come along, visit the Market, and join in the Christmas spirit. Ho! Ho! Ho! Motion:
Sport always brings communities together Wolfhill NS (Opposing)Vs Heath National School (Proposing) Date: Wednesday 13th December ’23 Cross Country races will commence at lunchtimes after Halloween for 1st-6th classes. There will be one race each week for six weeks with a little distance added each week. We hope that all children will participate and enjoy the runs
5th/6th Class Every Tuesday Lunchtime 3rd/4th Class. Every Thursday Lunchtime 1st/2nd Class. Every Friday Lunchtime |
AuthorAll news by Scoil an Fhraoich Mhóir news team. Categories |