The Health N.S Parent’s Council
Annual Fundraising
Table Quiz
Venue: Treacy’s Bar & Restuarant
Date: Friday, 8th February 2019
Time: 9:30pm
Teams of 4, €10 per person
(Don’t have a team? Come along on the night and we’ll do our best to place you on a team)
Great quiz, great craic and great raffle prizes!
Please Support – Get your team together Today -
Thank You
The Parents Council are collecting clothes in aid of the School. It will take place on 14th, 19th and 20th March in aid of the school and the LauraLynn House. Items that can be put in the bags include Clothing, Paired Shoes, Handbags, Hats, Bags Scarves, Ties, Belts, Soft Toys and sheets. All bags of clothes can be dropped into the school on those dates.